hack working造句


  1. *The proposed bot-based solution seems like a hack working around the limitations of MediaWiki.
  2. This is not simply the selfish yearning of some small-time egotistical hack working for a rag in the middle of the North American Sahara.
  3. I'll buy that he's an attention-busting hack working at the outer edge of readability, but that's about it.
  4. Everyone else is just trying to get a no-cd hack working . "-- Taraborn 17 : 50, 28 March 2007 ( UTC)
  5. Everyone else is just trying to get a no-cd hack working .-- ( talk ) 14 : 42, 27 March 2007 ( UTC)
  6. It's difficult to find hack working in a sentence. 用hack working造句挺难的
  7. Although Copland continued to work successfully in Hollywood through 1948, his writings confirmed the East Coast view that the industry was dominated by studio hacks working in a reactionary idiom.
  8. Everyone else is just trying to get a no-cd hack working . " without any mention of you at all .-- ( talk ) 19 : 39, 28 March 2007 ( UTC)
  9. You assumed that I stated " I asked the operator about Taraborn and she said he is just trying to get a no-cd hack working . " If you assumed good faith, you would have assumed that I stated " I asked the operator when I asked for replacements and she said that out of a good 1, 000 requests to replace broken CDs, only 1 will really have the original CDs.


  1. "hack value"造句
  2. "hack watch"造句
  3. "hack wednesday"造句
  4. "hack wilson"造句
  5. "hack work"造句
  6. "hack works"造句
  7. "hack write"造句
  8. "hack writer"造句
  9. "hack writers"造句
  10. "hack writes"造句

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